No. of Steps: 3
CAS No. []
Mol. Form. C13H13IO8
Mol. Wt. 424 more...
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It is the most common water soluble forms of selenium. The industrial production of selenium often involves the extraction of sodium selenite from residues obtained during the purification of copper metal. Acidification of solutions of sodium selenite followed by reduction with sulfur dioxide gives elemental selenium. more...
Vanadyl(IV) sulfate, VOSO4, is a blue crystalline solid that is normally stable in room conditions. It is a moderately strong reducing agent, being oxidized in acidic solution to the vanadyl(V) ion and in alkaline solutions to the vanadate ion, both of which are yellow-orange in colour. It is reduced by zinc amalgam to a mixture of green vanadium(III) and purple vanadium(II) ions more...
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